Nov. 6, 2018 – Apr. 21, 2020 (True Node)
On a mundane level, the transiting nodes speak to themes we experience on a collective level. So what does their shift for the next 18 months into Cancer and Capricorn suggest for the future?
Although they oppose each other, these signs are both associated with real property.
Cancer is the primary ruler of homesteads and real estate, but Capricorn is associated with professional dealings with land including landlords, builders, carpenters and contractors.
Why is this significant? Because when it comes to real estate, boundary lines are of paramount importance and in the nation and the world, boundary lines – also known as borders – have been a major issue.
In fact, as USA voters head to the polls, caravans are heading to the nation’s southern border.
So what does this have to do with the North Node moving into Cancer?
While the Nodes were in Leo and Aquarius, we witnessed an extreme divide when it comes to immigration. Do we stand by national sovereignty (Leo) or do we open our borders to everyone (Aquarius)? With the North Node (where we’re headed and/or a point of gain) in Leo, the Lion held its ground.
Now that the North Node is moving into Cancer, the question shifts to do we welcome and nurture them or does the government adhere to established regulations and perhaps build a wall (Capricorn)?
Since the North Node is in Cancer, one can expect the Crab to prevail. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean the country will be sending a welcome wagon. True, Cancer is known for its sensitive, kind and protective nature, but it’s also a security-conscious sign that has a well-earned reputation for taking care of its own.
Which way will it ultimately go?
Since the Crab tends to move backwards and sideways several times before taking direct action, it’s likely to take 18 months before we find out.