Uranus: Breaking Barriers, Shattering Ceilings

 The day before Uranus, the planet of equality, liberation and social progress paused to station retrograde, Hillary Clinton made history by breaking the nation’s highest glass ceiling when she accepted her party’s nomination for President. Although other women previously ran for President, she’s the first one to run as the nominee of a major party. (Geraldine Ferraro was…

Venus in Virgo

Venus in Virgo   After weeks of flirting, partying and shopping while in Leo, Venus knew it was time to trade the Lion’s den in for a new environment, one where she could repair her health, regain her strength and rebuild her finances. As luck would have it, the next stop on her cosmic itinerary just…

Mars Triggers Turkish Coup

Breaking news:  President Erdoğan urges the public to take to the streets as the military makes an attempt to seize control of the Turkish government. Welcome to the continuing aftermath of the Uranus-Pluto squares. Here’s the astrology behind the coup: Transiting Uranus (anarchy, revolution, chaos) is opposing (confronting) Mercury and Saturn in the nation’s chart. Mercury is…

The British are Leaving! The British are Leaving!

In a move that shocked the globe, as well as the stock markets, Great Britain voted 52-48 to leave the European Union (EU). From an astrological point of view, it’s not that shocking when you consider the series of Uranus and Pluto squares that occurred between June 2012 and March 2015. As the Great Awakener, Uranus enlightens and liberates whatever it…

Venus in Cancer

Transiting Venus in Cancer     After several weeks of non-stop activity in Gemini, it was time for Venus to check out of the sign of perpetual motion and into the cozy, soothing and nurturing atmosphere that Cancer calls home. Thanks to her rulership of Taurus, Venus has an earthy side that enjoys  a comfortable home, hearty meals…

Mercury In Gemini

After spending several weeks in the cautious, pragmatic and material sign of Taurus, Mercury returned to Gemini and the comfort of his own home. While his wings weren’t clipped during his passage in Taurus, he was forced to slow down as his restless spirit was restrained by the Bull’s slow and steady nature. By nature, Mercury…

Venus in Taurus

While immersed in the sign that rules possessions, Venus is inspired to acquire. While it’s true that the Bull can be frugal, Venus will gladly spend money on high quality clothing, jewelry, accessories and furnishings. A practical hedonist, Venus in Taurus is tempted by massages, aromatherapy, facials and other soothing, sensory delights. While her craving for physical sensations may or may not lead her to someone’s bedroom, it will probably lead her to some of the finest restaurants