Melanie Griffith, Antonio Banderas and the Cardinal Cross

Oh my.  The solar eclipse at 11 degrees Scorpio this past November landed directly on the composite Jupiter in the composite seventh house (the marriage), which  means that the April 29 solar eclipse at 9 Taurus fell in the composite first house and opposed (confronted) Jupiter in the seventh house. Eclipses often precipitate significant, and often  sudden, changes, so…

Transiting Mars in Cancer

That Mars and Cancer were at odds with each other comes as no surprise, because their relationship has always been a tense one. You see, Mars is in its fall in Cancer, which means its energy is depleted. In fairness, although this watery sign isn’t powerful enough to extinguish Martian fire, it certainly puts a damper on it.

Consequently, while Mars is living under the Crab’s roof, he can be moody, irritable and hesitant. In fact, unless Mars can find a healthy way to express its energy, the domestic bliss that Cancer works so diligently to cultivate will be punctuated by domestic disturbances.

Venus in Aquarius

Transiting Venus in Aquarius After weeks of power lunches, networking dinners and more than a few games of one-upmanship, Venus grew weary of Capricorn’s ambitious, status-conscious world of mostly work and little play.  Tired of working weekends, Venus knew it was time to rebel and thumbing her nose at authority, crossed into Aquarius. While Venus…

Mars in Pisces

After fighting the good fight in Aquarius and being celebrated as a rebel with a cause, it was time for Mars to bid farewell to the sign of unpredictability and become acquainted with the sign of tranquility. Taking several big breaths, Mars dove into the watery world known as Pisces where he quickly discovered that…

Mars in Capricorn

Confident that he learned everything he needed to know while he was in Sagittarius, Mars packed up camp and sauntered into Capricorn, where he’ll devote the next six weeks to climbing up the ladder of success. As the planetary pioneer of the zodiac, Mars is very much at home in this achievement-oriented sign because it’s the…

Venus in Scorpio

After weeks of living in Libra’s well-mannered house of partnerships receiving polite suitors and engaging in light-hearted romances, Venus grew bored with encounters of the superficial kind. Shaking her hair loose from its elegant updo and slipping into a pair of sexy gladiators, Venus made a quick but graceful exit from Libra’s château de l’amour and…

Saturn in Scorpio

After spending roughly two and a half years in Libra, Saturn left the sign of face-to-face relationships and moved into Scorpio. To better understand what we can expect from Saturn during its journey through Scorpio, let’s first take a look at what we experienced while it was in the sign of marriage, balance and justice.…

Mercury in Scorpio

While in Libra, Mercury enjoyed lighthearted conversations, numerous flirtations and a social calendar that would (almost) make Leo jealous. However, as weeks passed he began to crave something more substantial. Eager to indulge his curiosity and exercise his mental muscles, Mercury bid farewell to the sign of hospitality and flew straight towards the sign that holds the answers to…