Pass the Torch
Astrology Mentoring Program


Whether you’re simply in love with the language of the stars or have professional aspirations, you’ll learn to give exceptional astrology readings that go beyond superficial analyses, generic interpretations and vague forecasts.

What sets this program apart from any other astrology program is the unparalleled level of personal attention that you will receive in and out of the classroom.

The entire program consists of three levels:

  • Natal Astrology (horoscope analysis)
  • Predictive Astrology (forecasting the future
  • Advanced Topics (relationships, vocation, money, health and life purpose)

Each level includes:

  • 12 weeks of Live Instruction + Classroom Practice (90-120 minutes)
  • Bonus Q&A Review Class
  • Lifetime access to class recordings
  • Learning materials and study aids
  • Homework Assignments (with individual feedback from Debra)
  • Individual Mentoring Sessions

For those who aspire to professional practice, Debra offers a Certification option that offers the opportunity to be taken under her wing, promoted on her website, podcast and social media, participate in quarterly group coaching sessions and have direct access to her via a dedicated email address. And as a special bonus, she includes a 1-day professional practice workshop designed to set her certification students up for success.

Debra Anne Clement

Meet Your Mentor

A full-time astrologer with a thriving practice, Debra Anne Clement has taught astrology to thousands of people over the years through her radio shows, podcasts, webinars, membership programs, speaking engagements and classes.

In 2020, Debra decided it was time to offer a signature program that would train astrologers in her signature methods of chart analysis, interpretive techniques and forecasting. The first class sold out in 20 minutes.

Bringing 30 years of professional experience and a passion for teaching to every class, Debra proudly introduced the first group of students to earn her certification in December 2021.

Student Love

Debra’s astrology mentorship exceeded my expectations. I have been following Debra for years, starting with her radio show in the late 2008. I have always admired her methodical, practical, yet spiritual approach to Astrology, so when the time came to sign up for her course I jumped at the chance.

Alex BorderI have self-studied Astrology for years, but Debra’s class helped me fill in many gaps in my astrological knowledge, and gave a solid foundation in the subject that only an experienced teacher can provide. I was able to confidently begin to add Astrology services to my intuitive healing business, as my own ability to read the language of Astrology grew significantly over the course of the program. I received individualized attention – the small class sizes help, as this is not a “one size fits all” program.

As Astrology continues to grow in popularity, so does the amount of junk, fluff Astrology out there. This program is the antithesis of that.

Real Astrology is a calling. If you feel called to deepen your studies, this program is absolutely worth the investment.

Alexander Kriech • Certified Astrologer •


Although I had been studying natal and predictive astrology for several years, I lacked formal training and began to look for a program that could help me move my knowledge and skills to the professional level. When Debra launched her Pass the Torch Mentoring Program, I knew that this was the training I had been waiting for!

Kirsten BorderAs an instructor, Debra is patient, thorough and generously shares from her wealth of experience in working with clients. Each class is power packed with key astrological concepts and enhanced by Debra’s unique insight and countless nuances.

The materials, handouts and homework absolutely match the high quality level of training throughout each session of the course. The mentoring and feedback has been priceless and really helped me with staying on track.

With Debra’s guidance, I have not only honed my skills and style as a practicing astrologer, I’ve learned so much about how to build an astrology business and provide an exceptional experience for my clients.

Not only have my skills grown but my confidence as well. Debra went way above and beyond to make this a valuable experience for everyone. She is a powerful, inspiring teacher, and I can’t wait to have more opportunities to learn from her.

Kirsten Wesley • Certified Astrologer •


I have been a client of Debra’s for years and have always looked up to her as an outstanding astrologer. When Debra offered the opportunity to learn astrology from her I saw it as an opportunity from the Universe to study and become more competent in something that I love.

I have to admit, when I heard that it was 12 weeks for part 1 – and at the end I would be able to interpret a natal chart – I was a bit skeptical. But I thought that at least I would be well on my way to interpretation and being an astrologer myself.

Well, I was wrong – I finished part 1 and can now fully read and interpret a natal chart! I have done multiple paid readings – and plan to continue to do so.

One other point worth mentioning is that Debra is an excellent mentor – she made herself available to help me with any questions – often meeting with me weekly outside of class to discuss what I was curious about or needed a bit more coaching on. I highly recommend this mentorship program! I loved the experience and that I can now read a chart – it’s already allowed me to connect to people that I otherwise may have never met.

Chris Zaccaria • Level 1 Graduate •


Debra Clement’s astrological wisdom and her mentorship program is a fun, interactive and fully comprehensive exploration into the ancient and modern art of astrology.

Rachelle RizziI can personally attest that no matter what level you are at with regard to astrology, you will gain immensely from this program.

Not only that, but she provides true one-on-one support so that her students feel and have the room to grow within her detailed program.

If you’re looking for personal attention and guidance, Debra is awesome. I never left her class without feeling that my questions were answered and that I truly had a solid grasp of the material needed before moving forward and adding to it.

Debra’s teaching and mentoring will forever guide me through my own practice.

Rachelle Rizzi • Certified Astrologer •


Debra is an incredible teacher and mentor. She exceeded my expectations in every way with this course. Debra has such deep astrological knowledge, and she is able to convey that knowledge in a way that is accessible, engaging, and fun. She gave us very detailed written materials, and her verbal presentations were well organized, focused, and geared towards the students’ growth and evolution. She also gave each of us tremendous one-on-one attention, with detailed feedback and guidance that is irreplaceable. She is kind, patient, and incredibly generous with her time and wisdom.

Jenny BorderThis course has been transformative for me and has catapulted me forward in my astrological knowledge and counseling skills. In a little over a year, I learned techniques and approaches that would have taken me years and years to learn on my own. It was so helpful to hear Debra’s insight on the most important things to focus on in a reading, as it can be so overwhelming to separate the wheat from the chaff on one’s own.

Debra also provided us with an amazing amount of very practical information about setting up and running an astrology business. This information was worth its weight in gold for anyone looking to learn the real “nuts and bolts” of starting an astrology business, marketing it, and working with clients.

I am very much missing this course now that it is complete, and I look forward to doing additional training with Debra in the future when she offers it! I recommend Debra and this course wholeheartedly and with deep gratitude.

Jennifer • Certified Astrologer •


Gosha BorderI decided to enroll in the Pass the Torch Astrology Mentoring Program after my first reading with Debra. And as with the reading, I am more than satisfied.

Firstly, the quality of study material and detailed explanations are very helpful to organize and structure multilevel astrological information. Material shared covers all essential life areas from mundane through finances, health and more.

I found that many text, especially in Level 3 topics, are not easily available in books on the market. With Debra, we have received a succinct analyses based on real life cases. This has a unique worth in itself.

Secondly, Debra is always present to assist with additional explanations and examples during the class. Priority is on the student and her/his understanding of material.

Thirdly, what makes Debra’s program stand out is her availability for one-on-one mentoring. No other program I have followed offered this level of personalized attention.

Another distinction is a separate study in which Debra shares her business experience, best practices tips and professional conduct standards.

Do you desire to grow and become a full-fledged professional astrologer? No need to look further. You have found it here.

Gosha • Certified Astrologer •


I have been an astrology client of Debra Anne Clement’s for over 7 years. I found her readings to be accurate and insightful. She is a very gifted astrologer. I became more and more interested in learning astrology as I read her newsletters, postings, and podcasts. I was a university professor for over 15 years, and I know a great teacher when I meet one.

BigHeartI became very interested in learning astrology and was thrilled when Debra decided to develop and implement her program of three astrology courses for certification! These courses are wonderful! They are informative, interesting, thought provoking, and expansive. Debra demonstrated not only her thorough knowledge of astrology but also shared examples from her 25 years of professional experiences, which was so very helpful in one’s learning and mastering of the content. I never knew there was so much to learn about astrology as an art and science!

Debra is an excellent teacher. Not only does she present her material in an organized manner with plenty of handouts; she also answers all of her student’s questions not only in class, but also she spends multiple hours of individual attention and support through zoom meetings, emails, and texts. She would often send a half an hour or more of recorded feedback on your homework assignment which enabled me to understand more thoroughly and deepened my content knowledge and skill level.

The amount of individual attention to one’s learning needs Debra provided is commendable and rarely found in the world of professional education training. Debra also provided an amazing, quite extensive resource filled workshop on how to set up an astrology business.

I am very grateful for the opportunity to go through Debra’s program. I highly recommend Debra’s astrology certification program. You will not regret taking her courses!

Cheryl Pratt Ph.D. • Level 3 Graduate • Certification Pending
