Transiting Mercury in Taurus
Mercury is in Taurus from April 3 – June 11, 2023
Retrograde April 21 -May 14
Whenever Mercury visits Taurus, his restless spirit and flippant attitude takes on a more stable, responsible and deliberate nature under the steady influence of the Bull.
While Mercury’s rulership of the airy, intellectual and scattered sign of Gemini puts him at odds with the earthy, logical and productive world that Taurus calls home, thanks to his rulership of Virgo he has no problem abiding by the rules of the second house.
What are those rules?
The second house presides over money and possessions, so while Mercury is here it’s his job to undertake a full accounting of the Bull’s tangible resources and assess the state of its financial health. Since this house rules values and standards as well, Mercury is also tasked with establishing priorities and courses of action based upon its conclusions.
During this time, many of us will feel inspired to follow Mercury’s lead as we experience a heightened awareness about our income, spending habits and financial security.
On April 21, 2023, Mercury will station retrograde, at which time he be asked to reexamine his work and submit a comprehensive financial plan on May 14 that the Bull can implement before Mercury returns home to Gemini.
We will be wise to do the same.